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San Sebastian Cathedral in Bacolod: Built by Patriots, now Powered by the Sun

Updated: Nov 19, 2020

WeGen helps San Sebastian Cathedral in Bacolod harness the power of the sun after it installed a 4.80 kWp solar PV system on the roof space of its Convent and Pastoral center!

The San Sebastian Cathedral is a late 19th-century church in Bacolod, Negros Occidental.

The Diocese of Bacolod has decided to go solar with the clear intent to help fight climate change, and rightly so. Pope Francis’s landmark encyclical Laudato Si’ makes it clear that addressing the climate emergency and protecting the environment represent religious duties.

“I think it’s critical that we start to move, and move quickly, in a direction that reduces our dependence on fossil fuels,” Patrick Carolan, executive director of the Franciscan Action Network, has been quoted as saying.

San Sebastian Cathedral is the Seat of our Diocesan Bishop, Bishop Vicente Navarra, DD. The Church was constructed by Recollect Priest, Fray Mauricio Ferrero, OAR on April 27, 1876. According to local stories, Fray Ferrero received permission from the Spanish politico-military governor to mobilize prisoners to transport coral stones from Guimaras Island.

In return, Fray Ferrero was ordered to build the old Provincial Jail. To make a long story short, prisoners of war -- Filipino patriots – built San Sebastian Cathedral. Their hands and feet were in chains, but the patriots and enemies of the Spanish colonial government built a beautiful church where the people of Bacolod could gather as a community and perhaps pray together for freedom and liberation from Spanish oppression and occupation.

WeGen is honored to be a renewable energy partner of this historic church built by Bacolod Patriots!

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